APHC | Army Public Health Center |
A.K.A. | Also Known As |
CONUS | Continental United States |
DOD | Department of Defense |
IMS List | Interstate Milk Shippers List |
IRC | Inspection Responsibility Code |
MRE | Meals, Ready-to-Eat |
NSA | No Street Address |
NZDB | New Zealand Dairy Board |
OCONUS | Outside the Continental United States |
PUFI | Packed Under Federal Inspection |
PWRMS | Prepositioned War Reserve Material Stock |
ROP | Reduced Oxygen Packaged |
RTE | Ready-To-Eat |
UGR-A | Unitized Group Ration-A |
USAPHC | United States Army Public Health Command |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture |
USDC | United States Department of Commerce |